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Australian CPD Series 2025: Mandatory ACCC Clearance for Acquisitions: How This Seismic Change Will Affect Your Business and Other Key Upcoming Changes to Competition and Consumer Laws
The low monetary thresholds meaning that large numbers of acquisitions will require clearance;
The broad definition of 'acquisition' meaning the focus is much broader than mergers and acquisitions;
What is involved: the applications, the process and timelines (and whether you will qualify for a waiver);
What this means for you in planning acquisitions/deals and timelines and proactivity; and
What it means for you if you are a 'serial acquirer'/your business model involves ongoing acquisition – in the face of the proposed three-year look-back provision.
Updates on other upcoming key changes:
Potential penalties for breaches of Consumer Guarantees and Manufacturers refusing to indemnify retailers for breaches; and
The likely introduction of a prohibition of Unfair Practices.
Western Australian practitioners - To add this session to your Legal Practice Board CPD Management System (CPDMS) record, please email your Certificate of Attendance and Practitioner ID to