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Learning from Litigation: Website and Privacy Compliance Amidst an Active Plaintiffs’ Bar - Webinar Series
Consumer Website Privacy & Compliance Webinar Series
1.2 50-Minute Credit Hour (General)
1 60-Minute Credit Hour (General)
1 Australia (General)
1 CA (General Participatory)
1 IL (General)
1 NY (Transitional)
1 PA (Substantive-Distance Learning)
1 TX (General)
1 VA (General)
Data privacy protections on websites and mobile apps are facing increased scrutiny from all corners, with ever-increasing demands and compliance obligations, as well as an uptick in litigation and enforcement activity. Our lawyers review the cutting-edge issues in today’s privacy landscape. During this initial session, we provide key updates on website compliance, including website terms of use, vendor management, and website technology.