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New Risks of the Evolving Workforce – Labor, Employment and Workplace Safety Issues
1.2 50-Minute Credit Hour (General)
1 Australia (General)
1 CA (General Participatory)
1 IL (General)
1 NY (Transitional)
1 PA (Substantive-Distance Learning)
1 TX (General)
1 VA (General)
Remote work is not new, but the pandemic dramatically accelerated the necessity and implementation of remote and virtual collaboration. The urgency to adopt new technologies and ways of working remotely did not allow employers adequate time to explore the potential implications of a myriad of laws and regulations on their businesses and the accompanying risks created by managing their workforces in these new ways.
In the last webinar of our four part CLE series, our Labor, Employment, and Workplace Safety lawyers will discuss: - Navigating the application of state and local wage and hour, anti-discrimination, and paid leave laws to a hybrid workforce. - Development and administration of hybrid workplace policies. - Addressing employee relations issues in a hybrid world. - Evaluating enforceability of restrictive covenants on newly remote workers.